Saturday, January 30
[Info] SS501 Persona concert in Bangkok. Press Conference and Hotel Info.
I think the Hotel is still not 100% confirm and It is a tips frm a FAN.
Please repost with proper credit.
Press Conference Info
SS501 will hold their Open Press Conference on Feb 12,2010 at Siam Paragon.
The Hotel info
A fellow Triple S who will go for Persona Bangkok Concert, spotted this one hotel’s name being printed on the concert’s promotion tools.
We’re not sure whether IT IS the HOTEL that SS501 will be staying, we just assumed it will be the hotel, with few consideration :
* The hotel name is printed on the concert’s promotion tools
* A lot of Kpop star who visit Bangkok used to stay there
* And SS501 will hold their open Press Conference near the hotel area
The hotel name which we assumed to be SS501’s place to stay in Bangkok is “Dusit Thani“ located in in the center of BKK but quite far from concert venue.
(Imuyachan)I tried to contact the hotel for confirmation, let’s see whether they give me a satisfying respond or not ^^
Anyway, for all of you who went to the concert ! Prepare yourself and your heart , remember the lyrics so you can sing along and of course don’t forget to enjoy the concert!
So, for the TS who wants to know more about the Hotel info, Juz go to . I think I will repost the Info here if I see any of the Info bout the Hotel.
[Fan Account] WHO AM I? I'm SS501's LEADER!”
Reposting in my blog to share with YOU!! ^^
Credit: TVZONE BBS + (Chinese Translation): xinhm @ + (English translation) s2rene @
Please repost with FULL CREDIT
“WHO AM I? I’m SS501’s LEADER!”
I know a Triple S dongsaeng who live in Jamsil.He said he saw Hyun Joong and Young Saeng together.
Non-fan wouldn’t be able to recognizebut a Triple S can recognize just by one look despite wearing casual clothes.
Know what’s the atmosphere like?Hehe. That dongsaeng was afraid that others may recognize them and approached them carefully.
He said, ‘I’m a Triple S, Hyung is okay right?Don’t care about those malicious comments.See you at the concert.’
Hyun Joong Hyung asked, ‘Who am I?’
Dongsaeng replied, ‘SS501 Kim Hyun Joong Hyung?’
Hyun Joong Hyung answered, ‘Exactly! I’m SS501’s leader Kim Hyun Joong.I’m Kim Hyun Joong, don’t worry about that.’
Then left with Young Saeng Hyung. T_T
I repeatedly told the dongsaeng not to lie. He said it’s true!! It’s true!! hehe
Yeah…our leader is strong… we just believe in hyungs.
[Event Info] SS501 Korean Fan Club [SS601] ~ KyuJong’s 24th Birthday Event
Kyu Jong sure will be Happy with that..hehe^^
Saw this Event Info from Reli Thx ss501fighting for posting this so the Oversea TS will be able to see this activity.
Credit : SS601
English translation by ‘이마코코데’
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Give proper credit when reposting, thanks!
!♥saranghae, Kyu Jong oppa♥!
If one could thaw what the winter has left us, no one would be more suitable than Kyu-Jong,and like spring his birthday is fast approaching.
He has always wanted to be a messenger of happiness with his warm heart and even warmer smile.
As we eagerly wait to see how he will mark 2010 his untainted passionthat resembles the sunlight on an early Spring morning andhope that this event will bring out the support and enthusiasm from the fans.
Kyu-Jong, the eternal Center of SS501, as we celebrate his 24th birthday;now is the time for us to share what we were holding dear in our hearts with him.
It is an opportunity to show not only our everlasting love for himbut undying support that forever bond us together even when we are apart.
Again, we want to show this cherished hearts on a postcard that is unique to our starthat equals the exceptionality in his characters that he has shown.
As we prepare for this event, we have no doubt that it will hold a very special meaning to our starwhen he receives not only the hearts and thoughts from the fansbut to receive it on the one-and-only postcards from the fans.
No one can duplicate the hearts you hold for him, so lets take this time to express those to him.
How to participate?
This event should be very personal not only to Kyu-jong but as well as to you who is making it.
Please remember that you are sending him a one-and-only postcard from YOU!!
How to decorate and what to write on the postcard is up to you:make it personal with pictures, letters, stories you want to tell him…make it creative!!
Please refer to the postcard that is posted on the 601 website for a reference on the standardized postcard.
You can check with your local post offices to obtain a standardized postcard for your country.
You can send in a number of postcards,however try to limit the size of each postcard to a manageable one, ex: 5×3 index card.
Remember to put the postcard in a separate envelope with your email address on a separate piece of paper when you mail it to us.
We will send you a confirmation email upon receipt of you mail.
Korean Postcard example:
The deadline : 2010. 2. 19.
Our Address Post code : 606-012Busan Yeongdo Post Office, Daegyo-dong 2-ga ,Yeongdo-gu, Busan, Korea P.O.B Box No. 12.
※ You want to ask us, please send an
This is a event organized by Korean Fan Club SS601 to celebrate
for our forever CENTER KYU JONG
Triple S!
It’s time for you to express your support and love to our boy
Please send your love to Kyu by participate in this event
[Photo] Hyung Jun @ MBC Game "Become a Pro Gamer" Behind the scene photo
Imagine if Baby sleeps on ur shoulder...Hahaha~~ xDD
Day Dreaming~ x))
Reposting frm.
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[Poll] Please vote for SS501 “Love Like This” @ Korean Global TV arirang Pop Countdown
Our BOYs are in the 1st place now. The LOVE LIKE THIS. ;P
The poll will be ended on 3rd of Feb.
Triple S, Go!Go! Vote for the BOYS.
Everybody, HWAITING!
[Info] DSP notice of SS501 2nd Encore Concert Ticket Opening
I'm reposting from
Credit :
English Translation:
Please don’t reedit
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SS501 앵콜 콘서트 2차 티켓오픈 공지 입니다.[dspe]
안녕하세요. DSP미디어 입니다.
SS501 앵콜 콘서트에 보내주신 관객 여러분들의 뜨거운 관심에 진심으로 감사 드립니다.
2차 예매 오픈 일정을 말씀 드리겠습니다.
2차 예매 좌석은 1차 예매 후 미 입금되어 예약 취소된 좌석임을 알려드립니다.
2차 예매는 오는 2월 2일 (화) 오후 7시에 인터파크 티켓 (을 통해
재 오픈 될 예정이오니 여러분들의 많은 관심 부탁 드리겠습니다.
다시 한번 감사의 말씀 드립니다.
◈ 일 시 : 1회 2010년 2월 27일 (토) 오후 7시
2회 2010년 2월 28일 (일) 오후 5시
◈ 장 소 : 올림픽 공원 내 제1체육관 (체조경기장)
◈ 티 켓 : STANDING 99,000원 (VAT.포함)
R석 99,000원
S석 66,000원
A석 33,000원
※ 트리플S2기에 한하여 5% 할인 적용.
◈ 주 관 : DSP Media
◈ 후 원 : MyNameIs
◈ 예매오픈 : 2010년 1월 27일 (수) 오후 7시
◈ 예 매 : 인터파크 티켓
* 티켓 및 예매 관련 문의는 인터파크 티켓 (1544-1555)을 통해 가능합니다.
< 트리플 S2기 현장수령 공지 >
트리플 S2기 할인을 받으신 관객 분들은 공연 당일 현장에서
회원카드 확인 후 티켓 수령이 가능함을 알려드립니다.
회원카드를 분실하신 분은 신분증(주민등록증, 학생증, 의료보험증 등)+온라인상에 회원카드 확
인페이지를 출력해서 오시면 됩니다.
공연 당일 티켓 현장수령은 아래 시간에 가능하오니 입장에 불이익 받지 않으시도록
늦지 않게 도착하셔서 티켓 수령하시기 바랍니다.
※ 1회(2/27)공연: 오후 1시부터~ 오후 6시, 2회(2/28)공연: 오전 11시부터~ 오후 4시
[해외팬 앵콜공연 패키지 투어 안내]
*중화권 팬들의 요청으로 앵콜콘서트 중화권 팬 모객을 연장하니 많은 성원바랍니다.
자세한 사항은 다음과 같습니다.
◆공연일 : 2010년 2월 27일 (토) 오후 7시
2010년 2월 28일 (일) 오후 5시
◆장 소 : 올림픽 공원 내 제1체육관 (체조경기장)
◆일 정 : 2010년 2월 26일(금)~2010년 3월 1일(월)
3박 4일 (2회 공연 관람 코스)
1. 중국(출발지:북경, 상해)
■ 현지여행사 : 楊子旅行社
■ 담 당 자 : 徐志炎 經理
■ 연 락 처 : 021-6261-1255
■ 판 매 가 : RMB 6500元
2. 홍콩■ 현지여행사 : 國際旅行社
■ 담 당 자 : 朱钦钦
■ 연 락 처 : 0755)6162-5908
■ 판 매 가 : HKD 7,000
3. 싱가폴
■ 현지여행사 : 新加坡 CTS
■ 담 당 자 : chris lee
■ 연 락 처 : 65-6532-2538
■ 메 일 :
4. 대만
■ 현지여행사 : 兴安旅行社
■ 담 당 자 : 车培华
■ 연 락 처 : 8862-2581-4548
■ 판 매 가 : TWD30000
5. 말레이시아
■ 현지여행사 : 新世界旅游有限公司
■ 담 당 자 : 碧斯
■ 연 락 처 : 604-657-9013/ 手机: 012-4385823
■ 판 매 가 : MYR4000
Thank you overwhelming interest of the audience of SS501 Encore Concert.
I am going to tell you the schedule of the 2nd opening of advance tickets.
2nd advance seats available are those pre-sold in the first round without payment and cancellation.
The 2nd advance ticketing is this coming Tues, February 2nd at 7 pm through Interpark Tickets (
We are asking for your interest in the reopening.
Thank You.
Your enthusiasm for SS501, THE 1ST ASIA TOUR PERSONA in SEOUL ENCORE
We want to once again say thank you.
2nd Sun, February 28th, 2010 5:00 p.m.
◈ Venue: Olympic Park in Gym 1 (gymnastics)
◈ Price: STANDING 99,000 원 (VAT. included)
R seats ₩ 99,000
S seats ₩ 66,000
A seats ₩ 33,000
※ 5% discount applies only to 2nd Triple S fan club member
◈ Organized by: DSP Media
◈ Sponsor: MyNameIs
◈ Advance Open: Wed, January 27th, 2010 7:00 p.m.
The audience of 2nd Triple S discount will be received on the day in the field
It is possible to check your membership card and will know to receive a ticket .
If anyone lost a member ID card (resident card, student card, medical insurance, etc.) + Online on the membership card to print a confirmation page will come.
On the day of Concert tickets collection under field tim, for not to receive disadvantage position
Please arrive on time and received a ticket.
※ 1st show times (2 / 27): at 1 pm ~ 6 pm, 2nd show times (2 / 28): from 11 am to 4 pm
◆ Opening night: Sat, February 27th, 2010 7:00 p.m.Sun, February 28th, 2010 5:00 p.m.
◆ Venue: Olympic Park in Gym 1 (gymnastics)
◆ Schedule: Fri, February 26th, 2010 ~ Mon March 1st, 20103 nights 4 days (two performances Admission Course)
■ Local travel: 杨子 旅行社
2. Hong Kong
■ Local travel: 国际 旅行社
■ Local travel: 新加坡 CTS
4. Taiwan
■ Local travel: 兴安 旅行社
■ Local travel: 新世界 旅游 有限公司
Friday, January 29
[Photo] Toly Moly Chinese New Year Red Packet
[Photo] Hyun Joong @ Basic House
[Photo] Baby @ MSL Game
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[Photo] Kyu Jong 2010 1st Public Photo @ Relatives Wedding
OMG! How Cute Is Him??! Love the way he smiles..Juz like.hmm..ONE way to say "CUTE"
[Photo] SS501 in Winter
[Photo] Jung Min message in Dr.Fish Cafe
Thursday, January 28
[News][2010.01.28] SS501 Encore Concert 1st Round Ticket Sale Sold Out, Server Congestion
I think every TS hope to GO and so IM as well~ but I didn't know how to ask my parents again..I feel like I'm a bit over cuz I already went to HK Persona n now wanna go Seoul Encore again~ =S
But I'm still very Happy for them~~ Hee^^ They can Earn Lots Lots $Money and can spend times wif the TS...How happy is tat.....xDD
Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @
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[News][2010.01.28] SS501 Encore Concert 1st Round Ticket Sale Sold Out, Server Congestion
5-member group SS501’s 1st round of ticket sale for Seoul encore concert was sold out right after the release.
Advance ticket purchase for SS501 Seoul Encore Concert on 27th, 28th February at Seoul Olympic Park Gymnastics Gymnasium, has about 50,000 users logging in at the same time right when the website open for ticket sale, making the server congested and showing the enthusiastic response.
SS501 representative said “Even though the server was down for awhile, it was restored promptly and sold about 15,000 tickets in the 1st round of ticket sales without any problems.”
This encore concert is the grand finale of their Asia Tour concert which started in August in Seoul, Japan, Shanghai, Taiwan, HongKong and upcoming Thailand concert on 13-Feb.
Meanwhile, SS501 Encore Concert 2nd round ticket sale will be open through interpark ticket website.
Weee~ see see see...THEY r on the top of list. ;p
Credit: SS601
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[News][2010.01.28] SS501 Park JungMin, Paid Adult Fare to Public Bath House During Elementary School? ‘Because of Old Looks’
[News] "SS501 KimHyungJun, To Be A Pro-gamer" 1st Broadcast Ranked 1st in Viewership [2010.01.28]
I'm just Re-posting from MiniUFO.
Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @
[News][2010.01.28] ‘SS501 Kim HyungJoon, To Be A Pro-Gamer’ 1st Broadcast Ranked 1st in Viewership
MBC Game (MBC Plus Media representative Jang GeunBok) revealed that ‘SS501 HyungJoon, To Be A Pro-Gamer’, which made its first broadcast on 27-Jan, was ranked 1st in the same time slot including the terrestrial broadcasted programs, and ranked 1st for instant highest viewership including terrestrial broadcasted programs.
According to viewership research company TNS, ‘SS501 HyungJoon, To Be A Pro-Gamer’ had its first broadcast through MBC Game on 27-Jan (Wed), made an average viewership from the national male population aged 13~25 at 1.0366% (market share 18.06%), and 1.184% (market share 25.06%) based on national male population in their twenties, making them to be ranked 1st including other terrestrial broadcasted program.
After 15 minutes of broadcast, at about 16:30hrs, it recorded 1.344% of instant highest viewership based on national male population aged between 13~25 and made it to the 1st position beating even terrestrial broadcasted program. Based on national male population in their twenties, it recorded instant highest viewship of 1.57% at about 17:00hrs. There are a lot of attention on this as he is a member of an idol group, right after the broadcast, the real-time search ranking in Naver website has ‘Kim HyungJoon’, ‘Kim HyungJoon To Be A Pro-Gamer’ in the 1st and 3rd place respectively.
Meanwhile, the producer Lee SoonOk analyses why the viewership is ranked higher among males than females, “The dreams of teenagers who wants to be a pro-gamer are being satisfied through this. We see that they induce their own personal feelings on the main cast.”
SS501 Kim HyungJoon, To Be A Pro-Gamer’ is a real variety program where SS501 member Kim HyungJoon challenges to be a pro-gamer, experiencing the failures and successes, airing every Wednesdays at 4pm through MBC Game channel.
Wednesday, January 27
[News] SS501 Park Jung Min, has singer-manager relationship with Kim JaeWoo? [2010.01.27]
Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @
[News] SS501 Park JungMin, has singer-manager relationship with Kim JaeWoo? [2010.01.27]
Frequently in and out of Korea and Japan, and leading a busy life everyday, Hallyu star SS501’s Park JungMin transformed from an idol to a trot singer.
He had a entertainer and manager relationship with gagman Kim JaeWoo, who is engaged in activities as a singer as ‘Namolla Family’, in MBC Every1 ‘Life Theatre 2010’.
JungMin (Park JungMin) who is a 3rd year high school student woke up late on the first day of school and was late for school. When he arrives at the classroom, JungMin had only 2 seats left to choose to sit. Sitting beside the top student or sitting beside the bully. JungMin considered ‘which seat should I sit?’
As JungMin was compared to the top student and was under a lot of stress, he had the thought to sit beside the bully instead as it would be better to bear with being beaten up than being compared to. However, it is by no means a better choice.
The bully JaeWoo (Kim JaeWoo) has reached adulthood and found JungMin who has debuted as an entertainer, to make him his manager and even beat him up. However, this is only a tip of an iceberg when compared to what he will suffer in the future.
‘Life Theatre’ will be broadcasted on 27-Jan at 12 o’clock, and rebroadcast is on 28-Jan at 12 noon and 1-Feb at 7.35pm.
[Photo] Hyung Jun @ MBC Game
Tuesday, January 26
[News] SS501 1st Asia Tour PERSONA Encore
Credit: Mini UFO
Please repost with full credit.
Korean idol group SS501 is set to give a concert in Seoul next month, according to their agency DSP Media on Monday.
The boy band will be performing at the Olympic Park Gymnastics Stadium on February 27 and 28, as an encore gig of their Asian tour "PERSONA".
"It is an encore performance but we will edit the repertoire so that it will be like a brand new show," the agency was quoted as saying.
The concert will also feature individual performances by the five members as in their previous concerts. Last year, the group's leader Kim Hyun-joong earned the nickname "rip-joong" after he ripped off a sleeve during a dance routine in his individual performance. Another member Park Jung-min has sung the theme to the film "Comrades: Almost a Love Story" and a hit song by Leslie Cheung at concerts in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
SS501 debuted in 2005 with single "Warning" and have been active in Korea and Japan, releasing numerous albums both as a group and also pursuing individual careers such as acting and appearing in variety shows.
The group made a successful comeback to the music scene last October, topping various music charts with their second mini-album "REBIRTH".
Reporter : Kang Seung-hun
Editor : Lynn Kim
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>
Friday, January 15
25/01 Me n 2PM-Lee JunHo (BIRTHDAY)
This is HIM.
Full Name: Lee Junho (이준호)
Date of Birth: January 25, 1990 (1990-01-25) (age 20)
Still a few days then it's gonna be 25 of JAN 2009. What is my present gonna be?? My BOYs encore concert tickets??! haha~~I know that I'm kind of CRAZY. It's not possible. >_<
After my b'day, then, one of the BOYs, Kyu Jongie...24/2 is his b'day. aww!
Kyu Jongie, I know thr is still a quite long time to reach ur b'day but also "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" first. keke ^^
Also wish Me n Junho Happy Birthday.
Tuesday, January 12
My FIRST memory about SS501!!
Would like to share my story also cuz I'm HIGH right now~~ keke
*think* Most of the TS do noe the BOYs went to Kota Kinabalu here n hav a trip which was recorded n appeared at "Five Men's Five Year"~
On the 2nd of September, I SAW THE BOYs!! aww...IT WAS AMAZING for me~~still remember tat my frens called me Lots of times but I didn't get them cuz I was duin sumthing n also thr were lots of msgs~~
I was shocked when I saw my fone and I wondered what HAPPENED...
Then, I called one of them back, and she said "Kimm Hyun Joong, Ji Hoo is now at LIKAS SQUARE, FAST COME HERE!!"
haha~~I juz couldn't breath at tat time n my heart beats reli FAZ...
I immeadiatly asked my dad to send me thr and it took about 5mins to reach thr~ It was quite near my hse..
When I first reached the place, I saw 2korean guys were smoking at the outside of the building but I didn't care n I rushed into the kr restaurant~~ I thought thr would be a lot of people but den when I went in thr was just about 5 tables of customers...
When I saw my fren, I juz keep asking "Where? Where? Where are THEM??!" n they juz said "shhh..." cuz the BOYs want to have a dinner which was without any disturbing~~ There were some boards I dont reli noe call wat juz something which blocked them~ But v could able to see theirs hair...haha..I think the person tat I first saw was Kyu Jongie...^^
Juz very EXCITED..haha..about 8 something I think they went on their bus abd wanted to leave...but It was like in a SLOW MOTION...everyone walked like reli slow n the bus didn't I wondered why~~
Then, Baby came out frm the door..He is quite tall for me..haha...Still remember wat was he wearing..
One thing I felt reli sorry for Hyung Jun oppa is that I called him "JUNG MIN" tat time I did know all the members' name but den I juz confused bcuz I was juz a "NEW TS"...I felt reli SORRY for HIM...but when I said "JUNG MIN", he still smiled at me...wee~~how SWEET is tat and his SMILE is just SO SO SO THE CHARMING:)...n on the way he walked to the bus, I shouted "Sarang Hae"...
ahh~~Juz too AMAZING...
Finally, they LEFT~
This memory is juz reli reli AMAZING n UNBELIEVABLE~~
Would like to SHARE it with every TS~
Hope u guys enjoy reading it~~keke^^